Q: Can I cancel my order?
A: Yes, registered users can cancel order by logging into your account and going to ‘My Orders’. Or for guest users, by going to the ‘Track Your Order’ page. You can only cancel your order up until any item in the order has been shipped. If any of the items have been shipped, your order can no longer be cancelled.
After you have placed an order with Dropkick, you will receive an order acknowledgement receipt mentioning the exact details of your order, along with the payment reference and total value of the order that will be debited from your credit card. Please note that this is not an order confirmation from Dropkick. At this stage your order may be cancelled by contacting our Customer Care team. You can cancel your order up until the point where you receive a notification email that the items have been dispatched and sent to the address specified by you. You will then receive an email from Dropkick notifying you that we have dispatched the items and they have been sent to the address specified by you. At this stage, your order cannot be cancelled.