
Payment Queries

Q: What are the payment methods accepted by Dropkick?

A: At our online store, payment can be made using the following methods: MasterCard, Visa, Cash On Delivery, Dropkick eWallet, Tabby (UAE, KSA), Mada card (KSA) and gift cards. For iOS users, we also accept payments made through Apple Pay.

Q: How much will shipping, duties and taxes cost me?

A: VAT at prevailing rates at the time of order is already included in your Order Summary breakdown. VAT will be paid in advance and not upon delivery. To know more about shipping, duties and taxes, please check our Shipping Policy

Q: How secure are my credit card details?

A:  At Dropkick we take the essential precautions to make our site secure.

All credit card transactions on the website are processed using a secure online payment gateway that encrypts your card details in a secure host environment. These details will be fully encrypted and only used to process card transactions which you have initiated.

To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple and reliable, Dropkick uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. 

Payment Methods

What payment methods can I use to make my purchase?

A: We offer the following payment methods:

  • Debit / Credit Card - Visa/Mastercard
  • Cash On Delivery (COD) option  
  • Apple Pay - For iOS users    
  • Tabby - For UAE, KSA
  • Dropkick eWallet - Redeem your credits here
  • Mada card - For KSA

Q: Is there a COD collection limit? 

A: Yes. You can pay via COD for orders within these amounts. 

  • UAE – AED 1,500
  • KSA – SAR 1,500
  • Kuwait – KWD 150

Orders in higher amounts need to be paid via card or Dropkick eWallet. 

Q: What are the details required to place an order online?

A: To process your order, we will need the following information: your name, email address, phone number, shipping address and credit/debit card billing address.

Q: How safe are the shared card details?

A: Saved card details will never be shared with third parties and will only be used to process your order using our payment partner's systems. Additionally, we may also obtain information as a result of authentication or identity checks. We will ask for your telephone number. This number will be given to our courier for delivery services. These details will allow us to process your order and keep you informed about the status of your order. If you have any questions about payment or your credit card security please contact our Customer Care team on 800-DROPKICK Saturday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (GMT+4).