Returns & Exchanges Policy

Products purchased via credit / debit card

  • If you are not happy with your order from you can return it to us for a full refund back to your credit / debit card. Exchanges are not possible on orders with card payment method.
  • Please contact Customer Care to create a return request within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt. Please make sure the returned products are unused and with the original tag still attached.
  • All items are quality checked before dispatching, however, if you receive a wrong, damaged or faulty item then please contact Customer Care within 48 hours of receiving.
  • Please note it may take up to 7 (seven) working days to process your refund after we have received your returned item.
  • Please note that shipping fees, taxes and/or customs duties incurred will not be refunded. Value Added Tax (VAT) on the product, however, will be refunded.
  • Please note that Dropkick reserves the right to refuse refunds and/or exchanges any product that Dropkick may consider as unfit for resale or if the products are returned as a result of return abuse (wardrobing or renting) i.e. where a customer purchases a product without intending to keep them.

Products purchased via Cash on Delivery (COD)

  • If you are not happy with your order from, you can return it to us and receive a voucher code corresponding to the amount of the returned order. 
  • The voucher code will be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issue. The voucher code will be sent to your email ID provided to us within 3 working days from the day we receive the returned order.
  • Please note that the voucher code can be availed for returns on orders with COD payment method ONLY and is NOT valid on orders with card payment methods.
  • Please contact Customer Care to create a return request within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt. Please make sure the returned products are unused and with the original tag still attached.
  • Please note that shipping fees, COD fees, taxes and/or customs duties incurred will not be refunded. Value Added Tax (VAT) on the product, however, will be refunded.
  • All items are quality checked before dispatching, however, if you receive a wrong, damaged or faulty item then please contact Customer Care within 48 hours of receiving.
  • Please note that Dropkick reserves the right to refuse refunds and/or exchanges any product that Dropkick may consider as unfit for resale or if the products are returned as a result of return abuse (wardrobing or renting) i.e. where a customer purchases a product without intending to keep them.